English 9 · English exam preparation · Ընտրություն

If you could change one important thing in your country, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answers.

As most of us know, our country has many problems. One of the most important things here is the rudeness of people. Of course there are many many nice workers and people that you can easily meet during their work or just in general. I personally love that factor, when people are nice to you it just makes your life a lot better. But the opposite happens too. Whenever they are angry at you, it makes you day a lot worse. Even if your day started excellent, that doesn’t mean that their rudeness can’t change it. Nice Armenian people, in my point of view, are a part of our culture. Their respect and niceness is different from others. The same thing is with rude people. Rude people are also very different from others. Every time i try to think about them, i get so angry. They are not just rude to you, they are usually very aggressive too!

Once we were in the store and we wanted to buy something. After we tried to get it, a security guard came to us and started quarreling. After that we said to him that we are not going to buy anything anymore, because of his behavior. And then he told the other workers that children are very bad-behaved and raised wrong. I think that his behavior was very unprofessional and it could be some children instead of us, and im sure that he’d do the same. I feel like it could ruin the child’s psychology and starting from that moment he would get social anxiety. And that worker’s mistake could ruin his whole life!

I would change that rudeness and aggressiveness in people.

English 9 · English exam preparation · Ընտրություն

Educational camps in our school. Which camp do you prefer-summer or winter? Why? Tell about your favourite activity during the camps.

At our school we have different educational camps. We have summer camps, winter camps and military camps. I honestly love them all equally. They are all so amazing. Winter camps are very fun because after Christmas many students get very sad, because one of their favorite holidays is over. But at our school after Christmas we don’t get as sad as other schools do. After holidays we get to spent some time with our friends and favorite teachers. At that time we work on different interesting project, we go to different trips. Also on every winter we have our little “traditions”. For example we go ice skating with our lovely squad, we have a cooking day, that’s when we cook different dishes my ourselves. Our summer camps are also super fun. We get to go to many trips, but they are different from winter trips. Because during winter camps, trips are connected with skiing, with sliding a sleigh. making snowman, playing snowballs and so much more. Our summer camps are mostly connected with exploring different places, cities, areas, they are also connected with walking a lot and enjoying the pretty nature.

One of my favorite activities during camps in just spending time with my friends and teachers. During that time you get closer with your teacher. I personally like that because our school has become a close-to-heart place for me, and that’s why it’s even more fun being there and not being super busy.

English 9 · English exam preparation · Ընտրություն

Your school trips. Tell about your last trip or about the trip which you liked most of all.

As most of us know educational trips are pretty common in our school. Each of us goes to school trips at least twice a year. We are not forced to do that. It is just so fun! You get to spend some time with your friends and teachers. Throughout that time you get closer with your teacher. For me it is also associated with really fun adventures. I haven’t actually been to that many 3-day trips. I was really nervous about them, but lately I’ve changed a lot. Thats why I plan on going to more and more trips.

My favorite trip was to Dilijan. It was in 8th grade. We were supposed to go somewhere else, but our plans changed. Still it was awesome. We were in a really friendly group and we were very close to the teachers. Our school trips are very beneficial for students.

Firstly, you get more independent from your parents, and that shows that you are slowly getting older.

Secondly you create nice memories that you are always going to remember.

Every single step that you do to prepare for your trips makes you older.

Personally I love our trips, because I like exploring different places, cities and even countries. Yes, we can also go abroad for our school trips, the only difference is that it happens not as often as trips in Armenia


Classroom activities: Write the definition of the following words

  • a sales department

responsible for selling products or services for a company

  • a message

a text

  • to take a message

to write down

  • to come back

to return

  • an address

a name of a certain place

  • to leave a message

to leave information for someone you haven’t been able to meet or talk to.

Leave a message: Listen to someone leaving a message to practise and improve your listening skills.

Discussion: How often do you make phone calls in English?

Destination B1: Vocabulary

Unit 3: Fun and Games

Ընդհանուր · Ընտրություն

Թարգմանական և ընթերցանության նախագիծ


Օտար լեզու սովորել նշանակում է բացահայտել նոր գաղափարներ, միջառարկայական նոր կապեր, ծանոթանալ տվյալ լեզվով խոսող հանրության պատմությանը, մշակույթին և սովորույթներին: 

Թարգմանությունն օտար լեզվի ուսուցման մեջ գլխավոր և անփոխարինելի դեր ունի: Թարգմանությունը զարգացնում է մի շարք հմտություններ: Թարգմանություն կատարելիս անհրաժեշտ է պահպանել բանգրի բովանդակությունը և ճշգրիտ հաղորդել թարգմանող տեքստի իմաստը:


  • Ընթերցանությունը խթանում է գրագետ խոսքի ձևավորմանը
  • Սեփական մտքերն անկաշկանդ արտահայտելու կարողության ձևավորում
  • Բառապաշարի և նոր արտահայտությունների ձեռք բերում
  • Խթանել սովորողներին օգտվել բառարաններից

The Gift of the Magi

By O. Henry


Words and word-combinations

penny — a small sum of money

at a time — during any one period

shame — If something is described as a shame, it is disappointing or not satisfactory

flop down — to sit or lie down in a heavy and sudden way because you are very tired.

shabby — in poor condition through long use or lack of care

shrink — become or make smaller in size or amount.

dully — in a manner that lacks interest or excitement.

expense — the cost required for something.

loosely — in a way that is not firmly. fixed or held together.

panting — out of breath.

leather — a material made from the skin of an animal 

strap — a strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, used to fasten, secure, or carry something or to hold on to something.

stunned — so shocked that one is temporarily unable to react; astonished

trance — a temporary mental condition in which someone is not completely conscious of

fob — a chain attached to a watch for carrying in a waistcoat or waistband pocket.

dandy — an excellent thing of its kind


1. From where does Della get the $1.87 according to the text? 

a. By haggling with merchants  

 b. By shoveling sidewalks in front of stores 

c. By stealing the money from stores  

d. By working for the grocer, butcher, & vegetable man

  2. Why is Della upset at the beginning of the story? 

a. She lost her job shoveling in front of the stores on her block.

 b. She has been fighting with Jim.

 c. She does not have enough money to buy a nice present for Jim.

 d. She was recently arrested by the mendicancy squad.

 3. What are Jim and Della’s most valued possessions?

 a. Jim’s watch and Della’s hat 

 b. Jim’s brief case and Della’s jacket 

c. Jim’s shoes and Della’s cooking pot  

d. Jim’s watch and Della’s hair 

4. Why does Della go to Madame Sofronie’s?

 a. To look for work  

  b. To sell her hair

 c. To beg for money    

d. To shovel Madame Sofronie’s sidewalk

5. Which best explains why Jim is so stunned when he first sees Della?

 a. He doesn’t like how his wife looks with short hair.

b. He is shocked that she bought him such a nice gift.

 c. He doesn’t recognize his wife. 

 d. He bought her a gift that she can’t use.  

 6.  With which statement would the narrator most likely agree?

 a. Jim and Della’s gifts were bad because they did not consider one another’s needs.

 b. Jim and Della’s gifts were good because they will each get a lot of use out of their nice gifts

c. Jim and Della’s gifts were bad because they wasted their money on things that they can’t use. 

d. Jim and Della’s gifts were good because they sacrificed so much for one another.

 7. Which event happened last?

 a. Della bought Jim a gift.   

b. Della cried about only having $1.87. 

c. Della went to Madame Sofronie’s  

d. Della cut her hair. 

8. Which statement best expresses the theme of this story?

a. Make sure that you give people gifts that they can actually use. 

b. Spending time with the people you love is more important than getting them gifts.

 c. The best gifts involve sacrifice. 

d. Don’t waste your money on expensive gifts.

Discussion Questions

How essential is the setting of the story?

Could the story have taken place at another time?

Do you think that Jim and Della appreciated their gifts?

How important do you think appearances are? 

If you were Jim or Della, how would you feel about the gift you received?

Nowadays people don’t understand the cost of different things. I’m not talking about physical cost. I’m talking about hard hard some people work to buy that certain thing. As we saw in the text, the main characters had done a lot, just to buy presents for each other. Della cut off most of her beautiful hair, and Jim sold his one and only watch. It was all just for showing their love to each other. I strongly believe they both understood that their main presents were they themselves. They understood the fact, that presents are not as important as their love to each other. Jim wanted to spend some time with his loved one. He understood how hard It was for Della to cut her hair and sell it. It was so loving that they were ready to lose things that were really important for both of them, just to give each other positive energy.

Nowadays pay more attention to their appearance than their behavior. Honestly in my opinion appearance doesn’t take that much place. My friends, family, etc. They are all really pretty, but that doesn’t mean that I love them for that. I like them for just being themselves.

I know for sure that I would love that! I would feel really loved knowing that people try so hard just to get that present fo me. Though I know that not all my feelings would be positive.I understand that by doing that people are trying to show their love for me, but if it’s really hard for them, just them being by my side all the time would be the best gift I’ve ever received